Official American Heart Assoc. Training Site
No Debating Anymore; Seems Longer CPR is Better CPR It has always been a subject of endless debates, yet not even the physicians could help bring it to an end. But while it’s understandably hard for a doctor to tell whether longer is better when resuscitating a patient, it seems there’s consensus, finally. Several research attempts seem to have pointed to the same result; longer CPR is better CPR! According to researchers from the University of Michigan Health System, longer CPR attempts on a patient battling cardiac arrest, seems useful in some instances. The research alludes that extending the period of resuscitation attempts to 15 minutes makes the outcome a bit favorable and still doesn’t require too much time and resources. About 200,000 cardiac arrest patients are hospitalized annually and out of the 50% that survive in the first episode, just about 20% recover enough to be discharged. Still, the 20% constitute those who resuscitate in about 12 minutes. However, there’s more to this! Yet another study presented to the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions in 2013 seemingly supports that of the University of Michigan Health System. From the new study, keeping resuscitation efforts going for a bit longer may boost the survivor’s brain functioning. The Japanese researchers revealed that by keeping CPR going for at least 30 minutes, the brain would have a better chance of working again. However, a fascinating study, done by Zachary Goldberger and colleagues and published in the Lancet gave a damning revelation. The study outlines some insightful data on unpleasant outcomes of CPR patients who are already hospitalized. Further, the report underlines some thought-provoking findings on if efforts to elongate resuscitation could save patients and ensure they get discharged. After researching 93,535 patients, all being 18 years and above, 64,339 patients were found to have suffered a cardiac arrest that lasted a minimum of 2 minutes. But out of these 64,339 patients, a majority (80%) had either asystole or pulse-less electrical activity, while 49% had experienced a return of spontaneous circulation. The other 15% only survived enough to get discharged after undergoing spontaneous circulation for 16.6 days. But the primary goal of this research featured on Lancet was to assess if a more extended CPR done in a hospital had a direct impact on the fate of the eventual survivor. This justified the reason why it had to be non-survivors who had been used instead of everyone. In the long run, patients who spent more periods under median resuscitation were:
The long and short of it is that ‘longer seems better’ when it comes to CPR durations, although 12% of all cardiac arrest patients hospitalized spent two minutes (at least) and were eventually discharged with encouraging “neurological outcome.” However, it seems a systematic increase in the total period resuscitation takes may improve chances of survival of a high-risk population. By: Go CPR NY, the leading and most trusted CPR training center. Inquire about our individual training at our Queens Office as well as on-site training at your place- anywhere in NYC. Go CPR NY 6400 Saunders Street Rego Park, NY 11374 (718) 785-5559 If you want to prevent a person from dying during a cardiac arrest, you need to learn how to perform CPR. Also known as cardiopulmonary resuscitation, CPR allows you to save a person’s life. It all comes down to doing this the right way. The best way to learn proper CPR techniques is to enroll in a CPR Course. The course will offer you all the guidelines and information you need, and it will help you save lives in the long run. Can anyone register for a CPR Course? Yes, there are no age limitations, nor do you need any particular skills. The only thing that matters is that you want to help save the life of various people. And it’s a great opportunity as well as a life-saving skill that everyone should have. Is the CPR Course expensive? No, most CPR Courses are inexpensive. Their primary focus is to help people stay healthy and safe in the long run. These courses are designed to offer you all the information needed to save lives. So it’s very important to take such a course, as you never know when you need to perform CPR for someone. At that point, you will see that the small financial investment in this course will be well worth it. What kind of techniques will you learn during the CPR Course? There are a multitude of CPR techniques you will learn. First, you will perform CPR mannequin simulations, which are great because they offer a good simulation of the real thing. Also, you will also get to work with an automated external defibrillator. Learning how to use this type of unit can make the difference between life and death, so it’s a crucial skill that you need to learn as quickly as possible. The ability to get hands-on training will help you acquire these skills a lot faster! Should you opt for a beginner or a pro class? It all depends on what you want to use the certification for. If you just want to have the necessary CPR knowledge, then taking a regular CPR course is a very good idea. However, if you want to use it as a skill that will boost your career, the pro classes are a lot better in this regard. Pro CPR Courses are harder to come by, but they are also more valuable for your career as well. Everyone on earth should know hot to do CPR regardless of their reason to actually learn it. The CPR Course helps you learn the skills needed to save lives as quickly as possible. Nothing is more important than a human life, so being able to help in dire situations such as a heart attack is a crucial thing. And let’s face it, who wouldn’t want to save their family members from something like this? Give the CPR Course a shot, and you will be able to learn this impressive, important skill that can save anyone’s life! By: Go CPR NY, the leading and most trusted CPR training center. Inquire about our individual training at our Queens Office as well as on-site training at your place- anywhere in NYC.
Go CPR Queens 6400 Saunders Street Rego Park, NY 11374 (718) 785-5559 ![]() Perhaps the most popular life saving technique is cardiopulmonary resuscitation or commonly called CPR. It's a quick and easy way of saving lives. CPR is mostly applicable for conditions like near drowning or heart problems in which the victim has stopped responding and his/her breathing or heart beat has stopped. CPR is of great importance because it can revive the blood flow towards brain and bring back life into human body. It consists of repeated chest compressions and artificial ventilation to maintain blood flow and oxygenation during cardiac arrest. Preforming CPR is not very difficult. You need to know a few things and be able to practically apply your knowledge at right time in a right way. Everyone can learn this advantageous technique in order to help others in emergency situations so, you do not need to worry if you are not a doctor or specialist but you still want to be helpful in such situations, because you can be. The procedure is not very complicated. If you encounter an emergency situation where you see someone drowning or some random person falling due to unconsciousness, before initiating CPR try to check the victims breathing rate. If you do not feel any pulse then you must start CPR. In its most basic form, CPR can be performed anywhere without the need of specialized equipment. Lay the patient in supine position on a flat and hard surface. Place the heel of one hand in the middle of the patient’s chest, more particularly on the center of sternum and the other hand on top of the first one. Now, begin giving forceful compressions by using your body weight. Make sure your arms are extended while compressing the chest. Each compression should be about 2 inches deep and you must perform 100 compressions per minute. After each compression let the patient’s chest recoil completely to begin the next one. You will need to push harder and faster. After every thirty compressions, tilt the victim’s head back with chin lifted up and pinch the nostrils with your fingers. Open his mouth and place your mouth tightly on top of his such that there is no gap or it is airtight sealed. Blow air into their mouth to make their chest rise. If the chest is not rising the patient might be choking on something which will need to be dislodged right away. Only after it's removal will artificial ventilation become effective. This is commonly called rescue breath. Rescue breaths or artificial ventilation can also be performed with bag valve mask (BVM). Give at least two rescue breaths and then continue doing chest compressions. Continue performing compressions and rescue breaths until there is a response from the victim or medical attendants have arrived at the scene. Learning to perfectly apply these steps can make you ready to help someone who might get a second chance at life due to your assistance. You should never become afraid of helping others at a time of risk as you may be their only hope. If you find this procedure to challenging at this point it's probably time to pick up your phone and invite an on-site CPR training company to come to you or schedule at a local CPR group training center. By: Go CPR NY, the leading and most trusted CPR training center. Inquire about our individual training at our Queens Office as well as on-site training at your place- anywhere in NYC.
Go CPR Queens 6400 Saunders Street Rego Park, NY 11374 (718) 785-5559 ![]() What Is CPR? Being in an emergency situation or encountering someone whose life is at risk is an everyday occurrence for all people alike. The important question that arises is if the average person is able to cope up with such a situation and help potentially save a life. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation or commonly called CPR is a lifesaving technique for which you do not have to be a certified doctor. Anyone and everyone can and should learn how to provide immediate help to someone whose breath or heartbeat has stopped. CPR is necessary during a heart attack or near drowning in which a person has stopped breathing. It does not require heavy technical instruments, only the right technique, timing and body positioning. CPR Course Types: There are specific CPR classes which offer CPR courses and do not require any prerequisites. These classes prepare emergency technicians or other ordinary individuals to provide help in form of compressions to a person’s chest when he/she is in cardiac arrest. This course is being offered online and in-person. Many Organizations and training companies such provide on-site CPR training to larger groups of people in the environment and setting of their choice and perhaps the latter is the most effective way of learning. The American Heart Association provides certified CPR training to different organizations, companies or offices whose employers make sure to establish a safe working environment. The AHA courses are usually provided by certified local training experts. Advantages Of On-Site CPR Training: Most large corporations and organizations see tremendous benefit in providing on-site CPR training to their staff. Having everyone train together in the comfort of their work setting provides a fun bonding experience for employees that also increases everyone's self confidence and worth. And finally, everyone feels that much safer going out to large company events, parties, retreats and the like. Combine all the aforementioned advantages and it’s safe to assume that workplace productivity and unity will also increase. Furthermore, on-site training is more advantageous because it provides an interactive platform and a practical environment of learning which is harder to get online or even in smaller learning groups. Online CPR training has made tremendous advancements in last few decades but CPR is learned best with physical demonstrations and in person experiences. Local or on-site training provide better a forum for trainees to ask a lot of questions and clear their minds from every bit of confusion they have. The live setting provides a clearer image of the life saving process. Conclusion: By receiving proper practical CPR training employees can be confident to respond quickly in an emergency event. According to American Heart Association around 250,000 to 400,000 deaths occur in work places in United States due to cardiac arrest. If organizations make sure that their employees are well trained in CPR these statistics will surely improve for the better. The Investment of an organization towards training their employees and educating them about basic life survival techniques will benefit them in work place and of course in outside world.It’s truly matter of life and death. By: Go CPR NY, the leading and most trusted CPR training center. Inquire about our individual training at our Queens Office as well as on-site training at your place- anywhere in NYC.
Go CPR Queens 6400 Saunders Street Rego Park, NY 11374 (718) 785-5559 ![]() Every healthcare institution understands the importance of the Amercian Heart Association’s BLS certification course for any members of their staff which are involved in saving lives. Basic Life Support (BLS) is the foundation for saving lives after cardiac arrest. Without a clear and concise understanding of the Basic Life Support course, someone in the field certainly cannot manage an emergency or life threatening situation. Should I take the Course? What will it do for me? BLS (Basic Life Support) is a type of emergency medical care for those who are suffering from a life threatening condition. A BLS team is usually comprised of a disciplined and experienced medically staff, emergency medical technicians and of course paramedics. The BLS course for health providers is designed to teach the student how to tame the life threatening situation until more advanced medical care becomes available. AHA BLS courses teach medical techniques relating to various age groups and the best ways to keep that age group alive until they arrive at the hospital or better medical services are available. Receiving BLS certification is a relatively short process. The course itself takes roughly 8-10 hours and is followed by an exam. The course is available in person or online and will teach you how to manage first aid situations like CPR, wound care, burns, fractures, poisoning, choking, head or spinal injuries, heart attack, chest pain, respiratory arrest, seizures, hypoglycemia & more. Conclusions: Anyone looking to get their career going in the medical emergency field clearly needs this course in their resume. Providing emergency medical attention is no easy task as a persons life is in your hands. However, after taking this course you should have the confidence to behave promptly and efficiently while providing the relevant medical aid without any reluctance. Great training makes you trust yourself and other trust you, so be sure to pick your course instructor wisely. ___________________________________________________ By: Go CPR NY, the leading and most trusted AHA BLS training center. Inquire about our individual training at our Queens Office as well as on-site training at your place- anywhere in NYC. Go CPR Queens 6400 Saunders Street Rego Park, NY 11374 (718) 785-5559 Our State-of-the-art BLS Course Features Training For:
![]() What Is ACLS? ACLS is a technologically enhanced program for students learning to properly run a “code blue” management. Code blue is hospital dialect for someone who is having a cardiac arrest. Cardiac arrest is when the heart stops beating, a malfunction of the human body which can cause death within a few minutes. To stop the cardiac arrest, the heart must be electrocuted. This is a procedure which a paramedic must be well equipped with the knowledge to proceed. Old School Teaching Methods: Many students who train for a long time go through the same issue. When seeing a cardiac arrest happen for the first time, though they went through lessons and practice upon practice, when seeing the real deal they can go into panic mode and render themselves useless. If they don’t go into panic mode, a different problem can occur. Many times, when learning about a process or procedure, it is studied in 2 dimensional form. So, even though a student can be an A student on paper, it does not necessarily say he or she has grasped the idea. The ACLS Generation: ACLS is a program designed to eliminate this technicality. It works like this: The student goes through standard training, lessons, tests to see if the student is knowledgeable to continue, and a hands on course using manikins. The next step is where it gets helpful, fun and cool. Similar to driving games on the computer, and the Sims, this is a simulation. The student gets the program on his or her computer and is given tasks. The tasks include the same tasks a professional would have in a real life given situation. The student receives a patient, and the responsibility to make sure the patient stays alive and well. The patient has different problems that need to be checked out. For example, the patient’s breathing needs to be monitored. The student must then click on the right options, according to the response the program gives, and make sure this patient stays alive. The course is then ended with a hands on, dummy using approach, along with many students. The student is tested in that way for his or her knowledge on the subject, ability to act under pressure, and easy approach. ACLS training courses are the beginning of a new era. Not only is the training better and more realistic, it is also easier to concentrate on, more fun, and a student who is having a hard time sitting and writing can still have the option of getting to his or her First Aid goal. Other life related courses should definitely look into this style to ultimately get the perfect students who can perform in real time. By: Go CPR Queens , the leading and most trusted ACLS training center. Inquire about our individual training at our Queens Office as well as on-site training at your place- anywhere in NYC.
Go CPR Queens 6400 Saunders Street Rego Park, NY 11374 (718) 785-5559 The American Heart Association’s Emergency Cardiovascular Care (ECC) Programs deliver a dynamic message of hope — the hope of saving lives. New treatments have improved the possibility of survival from cardiovascular emergencies, cardiac arrest, and stroke. These new treatments offer the hope of improved quality of life for people who suffer these events.
Increasing public awareness of the importance of early intervention and ensuring greater public access to defibrillation will save many lives. ECC programs train more than 18 million people every year by educating healthcare providers, caregivers, and the general public on how to respond to these emergencies. About 88 percent of people who experience out-of-hospital cardiac arrest do not survive to hospital discharge. Immediate CPR can double, or even triple, a victim’s chance of survival. ECC Mission The ECC Programs Department is responsible for implementing program initiatives, and providing guidance and support to the ECC Training Network. The ECC Mission supports this responsibility. The Mission of the American Heart Association's ECC Program is to reduce disability and death from acute circulatory and respiratory emergencies, including stroke, by improving the chain of survival in every community and in every health care system. ECC Guiding Philosophy
Each year in the United States, more than 500,000 people suffer from cardiac arrest…less than 15% survive. Approximately 75-80% of cardiac arrests happen outside of hospital. Bystander involvement and performance of high quality CPR becomes crucial in a sudden collapse. There are many factors that contribute to survival, however administering high quality CPR prolongs likely hood of survival. CPR can double or triple a cardiac arrest victims chance of survival---if it's given immediately. On June 20th 2017, a group of more than 30 people gathered to learn about the importance and proper administration of CPR. With the lead instructor of Moshe Simkhayev, the group has successfully learned what to do as first response in case of cardiac arrest in adults, children and infants. To make it a greater awareness, we will be launching further events in our community in order to make a difference and be able to reach out to as many people as we can. Because saving a life is that moment that you return a loved one to their family which can never be measures in gratitude. You can make a difference! Stay tuned for further event updates. |
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